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August 13th Constitutional Amendment

Our legislature has placed two more amendments to our state constitution on the state-wide August 13 Election ballot. Very little attention is being given to these amendments. AAUW, along with other organizations, are encouraging you to VOTE NO on both these Constitutional Amendments:
❌Question 1: “Delegation of appropriation power. Shall section 35 (1) of article IV of the constitution be created to provide that the legislature may not delegate its sole power to determine how moneys shall be appropriated?”
❌Question 2: “Allocation of federal moneys. Shall section 35 (2) of article IV of the constitution be created to prohibit the governor from allocating any federal moneys the governor accepts on behalf of the state without the approval of the legislature by joint resolution or as provided by legislative rule?”
The amendments are confusing and lack clarity regarding the appropriation of federal and state funding. Any “Yes” vote has the potential to obstruct monies going to Wisconsinites. The amendments would create an unnecessary layer to our bureaucracy and would slow down the process of funding for:
· Schools
· Roads and bridges
· Natural disaster relief
· Medicare and Medicaid
· Pandemic services
· Farm subsidies
· Small business loans
· Head Start and food programs
· Infrastructure projects – high speed internet, water and sewer
These are just some of the services that would be impacted. Please share this information with friends and family.
Coalitions in favor of voting “No” on August 13th are:
League of Women Voters
Wisconsin Education Association Council
Wisconsin Association of Local Health Departments and Boards Wisconsin Conservation Voters
Wisconsin Public Health Associations

AAUW Wisconsin Women Pay It Forward

Dousman, WI— AAUW (American Association of University Women) has a long history advancing education for women and Wisconsin continues to raise and sponsor over $200,000 per year in scholarship monies.

AAUW’s story began in 1881, when a small group of female college graduates banded together to open the doors for women’s career advancement and to encourage more women to pursue higher education. It was founded through the efforts of Marion Talbot and Ellen Swallow Richards.

AAUW’s founding marked one of the first organized efforts to advance opportunities for women to pursue higher education and careers – equal with men. The early years offered women a way to unite as a source of strength, support and power. To that end, AAUW launched one of the most enduring fellowship programs for women in the world and commissioned ground-breaking research that documented women’s abilities and value, hence gender equity. The first fellowship ($350) was awarded in 1888 to Ida Street, a pioneer in the field of early American Indian history.

AUW Wisconsin started in 1921. In keeping with this tradition, AAUW-WI continues to make significant contributions to both NCCWSL (National Collegiate Conference for Women Student Leaders) and Higher Education Scholarships with over $210,000 given by collective Branches.  AAUW-WI also allocates $5000 per year for NCCWSL scholarships with contributions from 3 State Branches.

Over half of AAUW-WI 22 Branches have nominated students for the State NCCWSL scholarships and funded local scholarship recipients. Fifteen percent allocated funds to assist with travel. In terms of Higher Education Scholarships, 3/4 of Branches provide scholarships to students attending both technical colleges and 4-year colleges and universities.

Moving forward AAUW-WI and Branches plan to continue their efforts to foster equity in education and opportunity for women and girls, playing a vital role in enhancing the lives and future of all.  For further information about NCCWSL scholarship opportunities or to learn more about AAUW:


The American Association of University Women (AAUW) empowers women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research. Our nonpartisan, nonprofit organization has more than 170,000 members and supporters across the United States, as well as 1,000 local branches and 800 college and university partners.

Since AAUW’s founding in 1881, our members have examined and taken positions on the fundamental issues of the day — educational, social, economic, and political. Learn more and join us at